With more emphasis on health in today’s society there are more and more gimmicks, fads, and get fit quick programs to appeal to our need for immediate results. As a fitness professional I am appalled with the predatory tactics on our insecurities and misinformation setting us up to fail.

Our quality of life now and in the future is greatly determined by what we do now, having that tough conversation, setting goals, and committing thought to action with dedication and consistency are the tools you need to begin your journey.

We take great pride in what we do and are fully vested in your long term success, educating our clients to train effectively, and make healthy choices enabling you to maintain a lifestyle while living it to the fullest.

Crystal Woods owner/ coach

What happens when you find yourself at age 37 with middle aged weight gain, a chronic smoker and unhealthy in body and mind? You can choose to continue that lifestyle, or you can make moves to change it. Crystal Woods did exactly that … she took steps towards change and joined a fitness community, quit smoking cold turkey and took back the power in her life that had been missing for years. Crystal has grown in credentials and experience since 2012 in this health-conscious community serving as an athlete, competitor, personal trainer, stage coach and judge.  Crystal loves the purpose, challenge, health in mind, spirit and body that this lifestyle affords her. She works hard not only to maintain her goals, but helps her clients define, achieve and maintain their healthy lifestyle goals as well.

To find out more about Crystal Woods, visit her Memoir Page

Follow Crystal on Instagram

Craig Yarnall owner/ coach

Team Synergy and Science, LLC

Knowledge is a huge part of the Fitness Industry, but experience is too. Craig Yarnall, a highly sought-after personal trainer at Gold Medal Fitness, possesses both.

Craig’s desire to assist others, particularly in their fitness quest, began as a young man supporting his older brother compete in the Special Olympics. As Craig grew, so did his passion for weight training. After gathering as much information as he could from bodybuilding magazines, Craig pursued a degree from Kean University in Health and Physical Education. He received his ACE-PT certification and eventually achieved the gold standard of certifications, the NSCA CSCS.

Frustrated at times with the quality of good information regarding fitness, Craig worked for and studied under Dr. Joe Klemczewski, an industry giant. Craig learned to discern the good and helpful information that would help him go onto to win his Pro card as a bodybuilding and powerlifting competitor. As a personal trainer and prep coach, Craig has helped countless clients win their pro cards as well.

Dedicated to continually learning, Craig is a regular at industry workshops and conferences. A leader in the industry, Craig is a standout with a solid reputation for results for himself and his clients

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